Written by Endrit Korca
SSPM Mercy University Intern (fall 2024)
Imagine what it’s like to be stuck in a room the size of an elevator for 23 hours a day with next to no human interaction. What must it feel like to spend weeks or even months like this? Incarcerated people across the country don’t have to imagine that, for many of them it’s their reality. Despite this, many of us don’t think about it at all since it’s become normal practice in our society. But where exactly did solitary confinement come from? Surprisingly, the idea of solitary confinement is a modern invention, created a little after the founding of the United States. Solitary confinement was created by the Quakers as a way of reforming incarcerated people. That’s right, it wasn’t meant to punish them but to give them time to think about their actions and repent with the idea that reformed and healed humans would emerge from their solitary cells.
There were two types of solitary confinement created: the Auburn System in 1818 and the Eastern State Penitentiary System in 1829. Sing Sing Prison followed the Auburn System. In essence, they would have incarcerated individuals working silently during the day while staying isolated during the night. If they were found talking with fellow incarcerated people, they would be punished. During these times, this was meant to help them think about their actions so that they could come to regret them and become reformed. One formerly incarcerated person, Timothy, noted that being placed in solitary was not used as a tool of reformation. To him, it was clear that solitary was only ever used for punishment.
There were two types of solitary confinement created: the Auburn System in 1818 and the Eastern State Penitentiary System in 1829. Sing Sing Prison followed the Auburn System. In essence, they would have incarcerated individuals working silently during the day while staying isolated during the night. If they were found talking with fellow incarcerated people, they would be punished. During these times, this was meant to help them think about their actions so that they could come to regret them and become reformed. One formerly incarcerated person, Timothy, noted that being placed in solitary was not used as a tool of reformation. To him, it was clear that solitary was only ever used for punishment.
While solitary confinement was meant to reform incarcerated people, more often it causes harm to people. Being left alone for such extended periods of time is not healthy for anyone. We are inherently social animals and require other human connections in order to live a healthy life. Solitary confinement can considerably mentally damage the people that are subjected to it. Studies have shown that people who are put through it are more susceptible to developing mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. They are more prone to becoming angry and hostile towards those around them, with an increased chance of lashing out in a physically violent manner. Their risk of opioid abuse, self-harm, and suicide is also higher.
This isn’t to say that every single one of them will end up this way as there are some that can survive within solitary and go on to live their lives as normally as before they were put into solitary. While interviewing Timothy, it became clear that he was one of those that didn’t suffer any long-term mental effects of solitary despite having spent a total of 6 years in solitary. He is aware that not everybody can survive it the way he did and notes how violent people would get after getting out of solitary. Some would end up even throwing their own feces while locked inside of solitary while others would end up committing suicide because they couldn’t handle it.
This isn’t to say that every single one of them will end up this way as there are some that can survive within solitary and go on to live their lives as normally as before they were put into solitary. While interviewing Timothy, it became clear that he was one of those that didn’t suffer any long-term mental effects of solitary despite having spent a total of 6 years in solitary. He is aware that not everybody can survive it the way he did and notes how violent people would get after getting out of solitary. Some would end up even throwing their own feces while locked inside of solitary while others would end up committing suicide because they couldn’t handle it.
"This graph is based on the Cox Propotional Hazard ratio, which represents the risk of death while accounting for variables like sex, race, age, prior incarcerations, length of incarceration, and other factors as calculated by the authors of the study. People who are confined in solitary are more likely to die of any cause, opioid overdose, homicide, and suicide than those who do not experience solitary confinement. People with more than one experience in solitary confinement are even more likely to die within the first year of release of all causes, homicide, and suicide." Source: PrisonPolicy.org
Reading about solitary might have you wondering why it matters. After all, these are the worst of the worst that humanity has to offer, right? Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Historically, it’s been used by Corrections Departments to keep certain “problematic” people silenced. The most prominent example of this is Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement. He was kept in a solitary cell and not allowed to see anyone, including his lawyers, due to his actions in leading the Civil Rights Movement.
In present times, it’s used on more small-scale problems that correctional officers face in their very complicated workplace. If an incarcerated person is dealing with mental health problems that cause them to act in a way corrections officers find difficult to handle, it’s not uncommon for them to be put in solitary in order to try and control their behaviors. This only makes the situation worse as solitary has been shown to worsen preexisting mental health conditions. When they’re eventually let back out, the reason they were put in isn’t solved, only made much worse. Timothy felt like his actions warranted being put in solitary confinement but notes that that isn’t the case for everyone. He mentioned a story of a corrections officer planting knives on three separate inmates to get them locked in solitary confinement in Auburn, NY in 2016. While there was no evidence, the guard in question did admit to it and ended up suspended without pay for 1 month. A retired lieutenant who prefers to remain anonymous said that in all his years working within corrections, he’s never noticed systematic abuses of solitary. In fact, there are even checks in place now to ensure that officers can’t put anyone they want in solitary. They must first get permission from a lieutenant or higher at which point there will be a hearing with witnesses and evidence in order to determine if solitary is justified. As a lieutenant, he was diligent about who he would send to solitary and would deny the requests of more inexperienced officers that may be resorting to solitary when it isn’t necessary. Even when he did put people in solitary, it was usually only for 7-10 days due to New York’s HALT Solitary Law.
In present times, it’s used on more small-scale problems that correctional officers face in their very complicated workplace. If an incarcerated person is dealing with mental health problems that cause them to act in a way corrections officers find difficult to handle, it’s not uncommon for them to be put in solitary in order to try and control their behaviors. This only makes the situation worse as solitary has been shown to worsen preexisting mental health conditions. When they’re eventually let back out, the reason they were put in isn’t solved, only made much worse. Timothy felt like his actions warranted being put in solitary confinement but notes that that isn’t the case for everyone. He mentioned a story of a corrections officer planting knives on three separate inmates to get them locked in solitary confinement in Auburn, NY in 2016. While there was no evidence, the guard in question did admit to it and ended up suspended without pay for 1 month. A retired lieutenant who prefers to remain anonymous said that in all his years working within corrections, he’s never noticed systematic abuses of solitary. In fact, there are even checks in place now to ensure that officers can’t put anyone they want in solitary. They must first get permission from a lieutenant or higher at which point there will be a hearing with witnesses and evidence in order to determine if solitary is justified. As a lieutenant, he was diligent about who he would send to solitary and would deny the requests of more inexperienced officers that may be resorting to solitary when it isn’t necessary. Even when he did put people in solitary, it was usually only for 7-10 days due to New York’s HALT Solitary Law.
Mugshot of Martin Luther King Jr. after being arrested for peacefully protesting. Was later placed in solitary confinement because of it. Source: HistoryNet.com
According to the United Nations, solitary confinement for longer than 15 days is torture, and certainly cruel and unusual punishment. The idea of this was laughable to Timothy and he argued that 15 days is a joke for many incarcerated people, including himself. These incarcerated people feel as if they’re getting away with breaking the rules in prison. He does acknowledge that he’s a unique case and that many other people wouldn’t be able to come out of solitary confinement fine the way he was. If solitary confinement is torture, the 8th amendment should prohibit its use since it protects against cruel and unusual punishments. Solitary is about controlling the prison’s population and ensuring they are kept in line, regardless of the consequences to them physically and mentally. The retired lieutenant says that placing incarcerated individuals that act out in solitary for longer periods of time is necessary. Due to the rampant criminality within our prison system, it is the only effective deterrent that guards had to control incarcerated people and prevent them from committing serious infractions.
Now that solitary has been limited in New York prisons, many incarcerated individuals aren’t afraid of committing infractions since they know they’ll only be placed in solitary for a few days. As such, it’s imperative that prisons first find a new and more humane way to punish those within our prison system before fully getting rid of solitary. Prisons are already a punishment but what else do you do when someone commits an infraction while already being punished? There are other punishments in place throughout prisons in the USA such as limiting recreational time and not allowing visitors. In order to fully get rid of solitary, we must first find a new and more humane method for corrections officers to keep incarcerated individuals from continuing to break the rules.
If you take issue with this normalized practice of solitary confinement, there are ways you can help. You can contact your federal representatives. There is a bill introduced that was introduced to Congress in 2023 called the “End Solitary Confinement Act.” Ask them to push this issue through in order to help those that need it. If you are a New York resident, you can contact your senator and demand that the DCCS better enforce the HALT Solitary Law which has put restrictions on the use of solitary confinement but hasn’t been enforced as much as it should be.
Now that solitary has been limited in New York prisons, many incarcerated individuals aren’t afraid of committing infractions since they know they’ll only be placed in solitary for a few days. As such, it’s imperative that prisons first find a new and more humane way to punish those within our prison system before fully getting rid of solitary. Prisons are already a punishment but what else do you do when someone commits an infraction while already being punished? There are other punishments in place throughout prisons in the USA such as limiting recreational time and not allowing visitors. In order to fully get rid of solitary, we must first find a new and more humane method for corrections officers to keep incarcerated individuals from continuing to break the rules.
If you take issue with this normalized practice of solitary confinement, there are ways you can help. You can contact your federal representatives. There is a bill introduced that was introduced to Congress in 2023 called the “End Solitary Confinement Act.” Ask them to push this issue through in order to help those that need it. If you are a New York resident, you can contact your senator and demand that the DCCS better enforce the HALT Solitary Law which has put restrictions on the use of solitary confinement but hasn’t been enforced as much as it should be.
Solitary Confinement in New York State: The Facts
A "Noble Experiment": How Solitary Came to America
About Sing Sing Prison
Sing Sing | Ossining, NY
Trapped Inside: The Past, Present, and Future of Solitary Confinement
Prison Policy Initiative
Piece of History: MLK Letter from Birmingham Jail at Special Collections
History Net
3 Auburn prisoners say same guard planted weapons on them
End Solitary Confinement Act - Congress.gov
Correctional Association of New York - CANY